Join us for our annual specialized litigation sections training.
New this year:
"Speaking with the Enemy?
Communicating with Opposing Counsel"
This general session is free to all registrants.
"Sip & Shop" Welcome Reception Wednesday at Yelping Dog Wine store and CFO Trading Company gift and men's apparel store.

Thank you to our section leaders for developing an excellent agenda.
Appellate Advocacy
Chair: Tracy Taylor Hague
Vice Chair: Elaine McCafferty
Corporate & Commercial Litigation
Chair: Jonathan Gonzalez
Vice Chair: Declan Leonard
Local Government
Chair: Julie Seyfarth
Vice Chair: Douglas Barber
Medical Malpractice
Chair: Anthony Cottone
Vice Chair: Jacob Pierce
Policy Coverage
Chair: Kevin Streit
Vice Chair: Pete Schurig
Product & Toxic Torts
Chair: William "Ben" Woody
Vice Chair: Christian Tucker
Professional Liability
Chair: Ashley Moss
Vice Chair: Colin Neal
Transportation Liability
Chair: Danielle Matie
Vice Chair: Jonathan Hogins
Workers' Compensation
Chair: Megan Wagner
Vice Chair: Eva Roffis
Wednesday, May 3 |
6:00 PM |
Welcome Reception |
7:30 PM |
Dinner on Your Own |
Thursday, May 4 |
7:30 AM |
Wellness Committee Run or Walk |
8:30 AM |
Breakfast and Registration |
9:00 AM |
Morning Sections |
*Jt. Session: Appellate Advocacy with Professional Liability |
*Appellate Advocacy |
*Local Government |
*Professional Liability |
Noon |
Lunch |
1:00 PM |
Afternoon Sections |
*Corporate & Commercial Litigation |
*Medical Malpractice (Part 1) |
*Policy Coverage |
4:00 PM |
Ethics General Session |
5:00 PM |
Networking Reception |
6:30 PM |
Dinner on Your Own |
6:30 |
Women's Section Dinner |
9:00 PM |
Late Night |
Friday, May 5 |
8:30 AM |
Breakfast |
9:00 AM |
Morning Sections |
*Jt. Session: Auto & Transportation with Products & Toxic Torts |
*Auto & Transportation Liability |
*Medical Malpractice (Part 2) |
*Workers' Compensation |
Noon |
Box Lunch
Click Here for Detailed Agenda

Our discounted room block is full, but you may still find availability at the hotel at going market rates. There are also many other hotels nearby.
The meeting registration fee is $150 per section. Medical Malpractice is $300 and is offered in two parts (Thursday afternoon and Friday morning) and includes the Medical Malpractice Roundtable. To register for the Medical Malpractice section, choose Thursday afternoon's Part 1, and you will be automatically registered for Friday morning's Part 2.
The General Session is free to all registrants.
Guests allowed with $75 fee to attend receptions. All registrations include the General Session at 4:00 on Thursday. Cancellations accepted through April 21, minus a $50 cancellation fee. Substitutions welcome anytime. Email for further information.
New members, 2023 VADA membership dues are waived for those registering for this meeting. Your first membership bill will be sent in January 2024. Contact Sherma Mather at with questions.
Women's Section

Join the Women’s Section at the Spring Meeting: We’ll meet from 6:45 to 8:45 pm on Thursday, May 4, for pizza and drinks at Ox-Eye Vineyards Tasting Room, within walking distance of Hotel 24 South. Tickets are $50 per person and you can add this to your online registration form.
Community Service

In keeping with our initiative to support the communities in which we gather and practice, we will be holding a support drive for Valley Mission during the Spring Meeting. First known as the Gospel Army Rescue Mission in 1971, Valley Mission works to support both the physical and spiritual needs of the homeless. Valley Mission provides temporary shelter and comprehensive case management services for more than 700 clients each year.
We will be accepting monetary or in-kind donations for Valley Mission during the Spring Meeting. You can make a monetary donation directly here, and put VADA in the comments. For in-kind donations, the items most needed are:
· Cleaning supplies
· Men’s t-shirts in primary colors (not white)
· Medical supplies (over-the-counter pain relievers, Neosporin, travel size Q-tips and other items)
· Umbrellas
Thank you for your support!

For sponsorship information, please contact Amy Gilbody at