(Click here to access the CLE forms and meeting materials. VADA member login required.)
Don't miss out on three days of learning and networking with fellow civil defense attorneys. Additional optional activities include:
DINE AROUNDS: Join your colleagues Wednesday night for a fun Dutch-treat dinner after the Welcome Reception and enjoy networking with colleagues at your restaurant of choice. Click here to sign up. Don't forget to make reservations for your Thursday dinner as well.
WOMEN'S SECTION DINNER: Our Women’s Section will be hosting an optional dinner at Billy's on Thursday after the networking reception. This dinner will offer an informal setting to discuss issues women attorneys confront in our practices. The fee for the dinner is $25 and includes a meal of your choice from a limited menu, and two drink tickets. You can add this option to your online registration form before September 23.
COMMUNITY SERVICE: With the autumn and winter chill just a few months away, many students lack the clothing they need to stay warm this cold weather season. In addition to its effect on overall wellness, this lack of appropriate winter gear can have a detrimental effect on students’ self-confidence, attendance, and performance.
From now until October 14, we are collecting new and gently used winter coats, children through teen. Cash donations, too, are both welcome and appreciated! All coats and funds collected benefit the students of Roanoke City Public Schools. We will collect all coats and cash donations at the Annual Meeting. See all the details on this printable flyer.
If you will not be making the trip to Roanoke, or if you would rather deliver your donation ahead of time, please contact our Executive Director, Sherma Mather, at (804) 649-1002 or smather@vada.org. Monetary donations may be made by cash or check. Please make all checks payable to “Roanoke City Public Schools” and include “VADA Winter Coat Drive” on the memo line. On behalf of the Virginia Association of Defense Attorneys, we thank you for your generosity and your support!
WELLNESS CHALLENGE: Annual Meeting registrants, as well as members not attending, were invited to Join our VADA Wellness Challenge. The challenge runs from September 10 - October 7 and is sponsored by VADA's Wellness Committee. The Leaderboard Challenge will track the greatest number of steps over the challenge and the Streak Challenge will track the greatest number of days a participant reaches 7,500 steps. We have exciting prizes for both Leaderboard & Streak Challenge winners:
1st Place - Apple Air Pods Pros2nd Place - $120 Hello Fresh Gift Card
3rd Place - $50 Nike gift card
Winners must also complete all daily wellness challenges to qualify for the prizes. In the event of a tie, a winner will be randomly picked from those qualified. Challenge winners will be announced at the Annual Meeting.
Planning Committee
Chair, Lindsay Rollins, The Progressive Group, Richmond
Jacob Adams, Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, Alexandria
Kathryn Bonorchis, Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, Baltimore
Sophia Brasseux, Moran Reeves & Conn, Richmond
Taylor Brewer, Moran Reeves & Conn, Richmond
William Fussy, Gentry Locke, Roanoke
Gerald L. Harris, Office of the City Attorney of Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach, (Wellness Committee Liaison)
Rachel Horvath, Smith Bain Manuel & Horvath, Charlottesville (Women’s Section Liaison)
Drake Hudgins, Hudgins Law Firm, Alexandria
Sarah Jessee, Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, Roanoke
Karissa Kaseorg, Sands Anderson, Richmond
Sarah Knarzer, McCandlish Holton, Richmond
Laura Lee Miller, Harman Claytor Corrigan & Wellman, Richmond
Victoria Pretlow, Byrne Canaan Law, Richmond
Brittany Shipley, TimberlakeSmith, Staunton
Vivek Subramanyam, McGavin Boyce Bardot Thorsen & Katz, Fairfax
Lindsey Sweetgall-Brock, MGC Law, Richmond
Hotel Information
Our discounted room block at the Hotel Roanoke has expired, but you may still be able to book directly with the hotel at current room rates.
The registration fee is $475 and includes all CLEs, meals and receptions. New members joining VADA will have their first-year membership fee waived for 2023. First membership bill will be sent January 2024.
Guest registration fee of $125 includes Wednesday and Thursday receptions. For guest ticket information for Thursday's Awards lunch, please contact Amy Gilbody at agilbody@vada.org.
Cancellations accepted until 9/30, minus a $25 processing fee. No refunds after 9/30, but substitutions welcome anytime. Email Amy Gilbody at agilbody@vada.org for further information.
Abridged Two-Page Agenda
Approved for 9.0 CLE HRS (2.0 Ethics)
Wednesday, October 12
5:30 PM New Members' Reception (By invitation only)
6:00 PM President’s Welcome Reception
Sponsored by Metadata
7:30 PM Dine Arounds
9:30 PM VADA “Late Night”
Sponsored by Beacon Forensic and MW Forensic Engineering
Thursday, October 13
6:30 AM Wellness Committee Walk and Run
8:00 AM Registration & Buffet Breakfast
Sponsored by Broughton Associates
8:00 AM Past Presidents’ Breakfast
8:55 AM Welcome & General Session
9:00– 10:00 AM The Future of the Defense Bar: Growing the Next Generation of Defense Attorneys (1.0 HR)
Martin Conn, Moran Reeves & Conn
10:00-11:00 AM A Plaintiffs’ Attorneys’ Guide to an Effective Defense (1.0 HR)
Tom Curcio, Curcio Law
Lauren Ellerman, Frith & Ellerman
John Lichtenstein, Lichtenstein Law
Moderator: John R. Owen, Harman Claytor Corrigan & Wellman
11:00-11:15 AM Break
11:15 AM-12:15 PM So You’re a Lawyer? Tell Me More About ______. (1.0 HR)
Domestic Relations - Sandra Bowen, Bowen Ten Long & Bal
Trusts and Estates - Susanna Jones, Florance Gordon Brown
Traffic/Criminal Law - Brandon Nexsen, Winslow, McCurry & MacCormac
Moderator: Tate C. Love, TimberlakeSmith
12:15-12:30 PM Break
12:30 PM Awards Luncheon
Sponsored by The McCammon Group
2:30–4:30 PM Sections Breakouts
4:30-6:00 PM Break
5:00-6:00 PM Friends of Bill W.
6:00 PM Networking Reception-Penthouse at Center in the Square, Sponsored by MDD
7:30 PM Dinner (On your own)/Optional Women’s Section Dinner, Sponsored by Planet Depos
9:30-11:00 PM VADA “Late Night”
Sponsored by Planet Depos and S-E-A
Friday, October 14
6:30-7:15 AM Wellness Committee Chair Yoga
7:30 AM Breakfast Buffet
8:00–8:45 AM Breakfast Honoring the Virginia Judiciary
Sponsored by Inquis Global
(Attendees subject to change)
Hon. G. Steven Agee, U.S. Court of Appeals
Hon. Dominique Callins, Court of Appeals of Virginia
Hon. Frank K. Friedman, Court of Appeals of Virginia
Hon. James F. Watson, Lynchburg Circuit Court
8:50-9:00 AM Wellness Challenge Awards Presentation, Community Service Project Presentation, and Sponsors Raffle
9:00-9:45 AM Restoring Jurors’ Faith in Science and Authorities: How to Cultivate Trustworthiness at Trial (1.0 HR)
Matthew Wagenhofer, MW Forensic Engineering
Paul Kuhnel, Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith
Hon. James F. Watson, Lynchburg Circuit Court
9:45-10:45 AM To All the Defense Attorneys I’ve Loved Before: What In-House Counsel Wants You to Know (1.0 HR)
Lynn Chapman, Virginia Farm Bureau Insurance Company
Audra Dickens, The Progressive Group
William Robinson, National General Insurance
Moderator: Brian Brydges, Johnson Ayers & Matthews
10:45-11:00 AM Break
11:00 AM-12:00 PM A Nuts and Bolts Guide to Handling Appeals Before the Court of Appeals of Virginia (1.0 HR)
Nash Bilisoly, Woods Rogers Vandeventer Black
Hon. Frank K. Friedman, Court of Appeals of Virginia
Missy York, Harmon Claytor Corrigan and Wellman
Moderator: Tracy Taylor Hague, Woods Rogers Vandeventer Black
12:00-1:00 PM Confronting Bias in the Courtroom and Beyond (1.0 HR ETHICS)
Terrence Graves, Sands Anderson
Toyja Kelley, Locke Lord
Kathleen M. McCauley, Moran Reeves & Conn
Moderator: Rachel D. G. Horvath, Smith Bain Manuel & Horvath
1:00 PM Adjourn and Box Lunch
Sponsored by MLM


Formerly Pro Digital
Forensic Consulting
Contact Amy Gilbody at agilbody@vada.org for sponsorship information