Young Lawyers Boot Camp December 6, Free VADA Bad Faith CLE December 11, CLE Forms, and more.

VADA Defense Line
November 2024


It was a pleasure to see so many of your faces at the 2024 Annual Meeting at Kingsmill Resort in Williamsburg.  Many thanks to Rachel Horvath and the Annual Meeting Planning Committee for putting together a program rich in substance and socialization.  And a special thanks to Amy Gilbody, Director of Meetings, who always makes sure our meetings run flawlessly. 

While many think of spring as the season of new beginnings, fall is the time for change and renewal in VADA.  The Annual Meeting marks the end of our bar year and the changing of the guard.  I am thrilled to work with our new Executive Committee: President-Elect Matt Kelley, Treasurer Rachel Horvath, Secretary Taylor Brewer, and Immediate Past President Jim Cales.  I am also excited to work with returning Board members and Section Chairs and to welcome new Board members and Section Vice-Chairs.  The Nominating Committee assembled an impressive group of VADA leaders this year and I consider myself very fortunate to serve our organization alongside them. 

Fall is also an exciting time of change for those transitioning from law students to new members of the bar.  It is both an exciting and terrifying experience for many and the more resources they have, the better prepared they will be for their first months and years of legal practice.  As I shared at the Annual Meeting, my ask of you all is that you encourage your young lawyers to join VADA and share with them the value you have received as a member. 

Relatedly, please encourage your young lawyers to register for our Young Lawyers Boot Camp on December 6 at the Virginia Museum of History & Culture in Richmond.  The Boot Camp was one of the first VADA events I attended as a young lawyer and it was incredibly useful, both in terms of content and opportunities to connect with other young lawyers.  This year’s program includes topic like “Your Role as Second Chair,” “Your First Jury Trial,” and “How to Try a Case in General District Court,” among others.  There will also be a panel of four distinguished judges from GDC, Circuit Court, and the U.S. District Court offering judicial advice for new lawyers. 

Please also keep in mind the December 11 Lunch & Learn, which will be presented virtually by Patrick O’Grady and Megan Wagner.  The program will discuss the 2024 updates to the Virginia Uninsured Motorists Statute which create a cause of action for bad faith in the handling of UIM claims.  As past and present leaders of the Legislative Committee, Patrick and Megan are uniquely positioned to share background on the legislation and expectations for what it will mean for your practice and your clients.

As a final note, and with Thanksgiving just around the corner, I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to serve you all as your President this bar year.  Perhaps I’m biased in this regard, but I truly believe this organization is made up of the greatest legal minds in the Commonwealth.  It is an honor and privilege to lead such a group.  

Lindsay L. Rollins
VADA President, 2024-25

CLE Forms on the VADA Website

Did you know that you can access your CLE forms anytime using the link at the top of the VADA homepage?  You will need to log in, using your personal VADA username and password. Teaching and attendee forms are listed under their corresponding event. 

December 6
Virginia Museum of History & Culture
(New Location)

This is a must-attend event for newer attorneys, who will learn the practical information needed to practice civil defense law.  Sessions are taught by experienced members of the civil defense bar and the judiciary.  We are offering a different agenda than 2023, so attend again.

Stay on after our program to attend the museum's popular First Fridays program, where the museum offers free admission to the galleries, specials in the Café, access to food trucks, live music, and a cash bar, with your first two drinks compliments of our sponsors.

Bad Faith UM/UIM Statute Update
December 11 at Noon
Via Zoom
1.0 HR CLE (Requested)

B. Patrick O'Grady
Thomas, Thomas & Hafer LLP
VADA Board Member At Large

Megan Wagner
VADA Legislative Committee Chair

Join us for this free CLE to learn about the history of Va. Code 38.2-2206 (the UM/UIM statute) as well as the latest amendments from the General Assembly that create a cause of action for UIM bad faith.

The event is free for VADA members, but registration is required.

March 14-15, 2025
Jepson Alumni Center, University of Richmond

Given the prevalence of mediation, the seminar on Friday is designed for all attorneys with the objective of improving your mediation skills. Each session will be led by professional mediators and/or experienced attorneys. The workshop on Saturday is designed to provide a “hands-on” opportunity to conduct a mediation before a professional mediator, with constructive critiques at the end.

May 7-9, 2025
Hotel 24 South, Staunton

Mark your calendar now for our Annual Spring Meeting, where our litigation sections provide 3.0 CLE hours of training specific to your practice area.

2025 Annual Meeting Planning Committee

We are currently recruiting members for the VADA 2025 Annual Meeting Planning Committee. The meeting will be held October 22-24 at the Marriott Resort Virginia Beach Oceanfront, and this is great opportunity for newer attorneys to get involved in VADA. Contact Meeting Chair, Taylor Brewer, at to learn more.

Journal of Civil Litigation
Fall 2024 Edition

Do not miss the Fall 2024 edition of The Journal of Civil Litigation!  It includes 14 judicial opinions and four feature articles:

  • Douglas P. Barber, Jr., analyzes the United States Supreme Court’s 2024 decision in Muldrow v. City of St. Louis, summarizing the new “some harm” standard for Title VII Claims, and discussing what it means for the defense of these actions.
  • Darlene Bradberry examines liability self-insurance in Virginia and what it means to retain risk.
  • Declan Leonard and Aaron Silva take a deep dive into offers of judgment under Rule 68 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
  • K. Elizabeth O’Dea attempts to de-mystify the Medicare Secondary Payer Act and its implications on workers’ compensation settlements by highlighting recent developments from the last decade.

Many thanks to Managing Editor, Molly Terry; Editor-in-Chief, Kent Sinclair; the Board of Editors; and Chair of the Board of Editors, John D. Eure for consistently producing such a quality journal. 

VADA members receive the Journal as a benefit of membership and can search current and past journals, including by keyword, on our website.

Nasiba Bek
Moran Reeves Conn

Michala Black
Byrne Canaan Law

Anna Cotto
Hancock Daniel

Cindy Foster
Harman Claytor Corrigan and Wellman

Brian Frame
McAngus Goudelock

Sean Griffin
Robinson + Cole

Albert Gutierrez
Woods Rogers Vandeventer Black

Edward Lin
McGavin Boyce Bardot Thorsen & Katz

Alexander Michev
Harman Claytor Corrigan and Wellman

Gregory Pelletier
Parrish Snead

Alicia Penn-Taylor
McGuire Woods

Mariah Riley
McCandlish Holton

Samuel Rosen
McCandlish Holton

Joe Smith
Kalbaugh Pfund Messersmith

Nicholas Southwell

Andreya Steidl
McGavin Boyce Bardot Thorsen & Katz

The Paint & Sip event at the Annual Meeting was a huge success! The Women’s Section will be brainstorming ideas for the Spring Meeting and welcome any suggestions.

The VADA and VTLA are still working together on a letter to the chief judges in the Commonwealth regarding pumping accommodations, and hope to have a letter out by the end of the year. 

Be sure to bookmark VADA Upcoming Events so you don't miss out.

December 6
Young Lawyers Boot Camp


December 11
Bad Faith UM/UIM Status Update


January 24
VADA Board Meeting

March 14-15
Mediation Seminar & Workshop

April 11
VADA Board Meeting

May 7-9
Spring Sections Seminar

This Milton, Florida, native and son of a Navy pilot loves his family, the practice of law, and rye stingers, perhaps in that order.  For this, and much more, on this month’s VADA Spotlighted Member, click here.

Join our social media sites where we post current court updates, relevant legal developments, and much, much more!  

    VADA’S Mission

    The mission of the Virginia Association of Defense Attorneys is to develop and support Virginia attorneys engaged in a civil defense practice in the professional and ethical representation of their clients through education, communication and fellowship.

    Virginia Association of Defense Attorneys
    11533 Busy Street, #327
    N. Chesterfield, VA  23236
    804-649-1002 |

    Executive Director: Sherma Mather
    Director of Meetings: Amy Gilbody
    Journal of Civil Litigation Managing EditorMolly Terry

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